The Holy Bible in Verse.

The Holy Bible in Verse (“The New Renaissance Bible”) covers in precise detail both testaments…with narrator, dialogues, monologues, scenes, scenarios, stage directions, and paintings that underline Biblical concepts. It is a majestic poetico-dramatico-ecclesiastico chef d’oeuvre that stands alone among the great works in literary history.

To Dr. Kayatta The Holy Bible is a divinely inspired “quilt” of religious short stories in sequence. His reasons for taking on the monumental task of composing The Holy Bible in Verse are not simple. He began in the summer of 1976 and ( except for the period he was in the coma, et al), he worked specifically on this project four hours every day for 12 years, a work of love of God and of Poetry.

The achievement received worldwide coverage in the media, including The Wall Street Journal, the Gannet Newspapers, the New York Daily Times, the limited but powerful Murray Hill News, and major international newspapers and magazines. The U.S. Newswire, UPI, The Copely Radio Network filed the stories with some 1,000 radio stations throughout the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. According to Michael Dale, Copley Associate Editor, about 80 million people around the globe heard the news.

In an interview, Dr. Kayatta gave some of these reasons for composing “The Holy Bible in Verse”:

  • “ To enhance the Judea-Christian tradition that gave me my values and a strong belief in The Supreme Cause of all life”.
  • To underline the desexifying of God, a Neuter Spirit, and to enhance the beauty and status of Woman in her ecclesiastical role.
  • Initially, to underline the power of the American Language as a new force in theatre… to close the gap between our sparse verse drama and that of the other great languages.
  • To inspire and encourage people to read parts of the Bible that ordinarily they would not read.

As an invited guest on radio, cable television & places of worship in NYC, primarily the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, dignitaries, audiences, congregations & journalists applauded & promoted the content and form. Among his innovations is the “tempo” of
seven or eight syllables per line based on sound. Hence, the orator, actor, or reader can continue the flow of thoughts without hesitation at the end of the line.

The “Holy Bible in Verse” was dedicated to our mother, Josephine, on her 62nd birthday in 1989.